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Ovulation Calculator
The Ovulation Calculator provides the estimation of your fertile window. The chances of a woman getting pregnant are more around this time. Typically the menstrual cycle in a woman is 28 days. Each woman is different and so this cycle gets shortened or lengthened accordingly and the ovulation window depends upon this cycle. There are around 6 days during each menstrual cycle when the chances of a woman getting pregnant are highest.
It is the process by which ovarian follicles break and release one or more mature eggs from the ovaries. The calculator is helpful in finding out the days when you are most fertile. Though it does not guarantee either pregnancy or birth control, it surely can be used to plan your pregnancy or for birth control purposes. Even for the same woman, the fertile window can differ from month to month.
The fertile window means the day when you ovulate and five days before that. You are more likely to get pregnant during the last three days of this time. Your body also gives you signs that you are ovulating. It estimates by counting 14 days back from the day you expect your next period. Or it occurs within 4 days before or after the midpoint of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

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Myth: Morning sickness wears off by lunchtime
Fact: It's common to feel nauseous throughout the day but if it is getting too much, you must talk to your doctor
Tools to help you plan better
Get quick understanding of your fertility cycle and accordingly make a schedule to track it


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